Madanpokhara Polytechnic Institute (MPPI) was established in 2018 under the Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) as its own constituted school to provide technical education and vocational trainings related to agriculture and Infromation Technology as well as various other vocational trainings.The school is located at Tansen Municipality ward No 9,Damkada,palpa MPPI has 120 ropani of land having its own building like Admin block,Academic block (Theory and practical Buildings),Agriculture farm(Vagetable,fruit orchard,food crops,and livestock farm and fish pond) and very dense natural forest in the beginning MPPI started the Diploma in plant Science. Now we offer three diploma courses viz.Diploma in Agriculture(Plant Science),Diploma in Agriculture(Animal Science) And Diploma in Infromation Technology.Beside rugular program, we have been provided various vocational short term training. In the fiscal year 2075/76,we provided vocational training to 600 individuals. readmore…